3 Benefits of a data extraction application

Nowadays, the data your business may need comes from a variety of sources, coming in a multitude of formats. In order to use them you will first have to extract them and then arrange them in a suitable shape. The whole process can be extremely time-consuming, but unfortunately this is the reality facing most businesses today. Using a data extraction application can transform your business. Although it may seem insignificant at first, over time you will realize what it can actually do for your business, both in terms of time saved, productivity growth, human error removal, and more. If you’ve ever had questions about data extraction and want to have a better understanding of it, then know that you’re in the right place because the creators of ID Scanner have compiled some useful information about the benefits of a data extraction application.

About data extraction

Data extraction is the process of retrieving data from a source. This operation can be performed manually or through automated means such as data extraction applications.. They can be used to retrieve data from a variety of sources, including images, databases, files, and web pages. The data is usually analyzed, sorted, and arranged according to needs, as well as the capabilities of the program or application. There are quite a few benefits to using data extraction to speed up and automate workflows, both for large and small businesses. Challenges of data extraction include the cost and time required for extraction, as well as their accuracy. Data extraction can be a costly and time-consuming process, and their accuracy depends on the quality of the source used. However, by choosing a flexible and secure data extraction application, you can reduce costs, save time, and obtain accurate data – a very good option in this regard is ID Scanner, the tool that helps you extract data from identity cards easily, using just a photo.

Here are 3 benefits of a data extraction app:

1. Reduce costs and save time

Choosing a data extraction tool, which will help automate time-consuming and repetitive tasks, your business can save money and time in both the short and long term. You can cut costs by limiting manual data entry errors, but also by not having to worry about expanding and funding a large team to manage your company’s data needs. At the same time, automation means that the whole process can be completed much faster, which means you can save valuable time that can be invested in other work tasks. Any data extraction tool that can improve processes and save time should be explored! According to CRM Side, 69% of employees say that automation reduces wasted time, and 59% believe they would have more than six hours free per week if they automated repetitive tasks. When used correctly, data extraction tools can help save your business time, giving staff time to focus on more important tasks.

2. Eliminates human error

Among the benefits of a data extraction application is improved accuracy, namely the elimination of human error. By automating data entry processes for repetitive tasks, data mining tools can help to produce more accurate data by reducing the possibility of human error. If your staff enters large amounts of data day after day, there is a high chance of errors and inaccurate data. By automating the process, you can be sure to eliminate these errors and get more accurate data. Improved accuracy not only leads to better business decisions, but is also very beneficial for employees. They’ll be less stressed, have more time to focus on other tasks, and their overall mood will be much better, which will certainly be reflected in the results. One of the data extraction apps that any business should try is ID Scanner. It will be able to help your business by automating the repetitive processes of extracting data from ID cards.

3. Increases employee productivity

As we’ve highlighted above, eliminating the need for manual data entry means employees will be able to spend more time focusing on important tasks that only a human can do. Typically, these types of tasks add more value to a business, but also increase employee satisfaction. As they use their skills to accomplish more meaningful tasks, compared to endless data entry, employees will feel more satisfied with their work, leading to an increase in their productivity. So by choosing a data extraction application you will be able to give your employees a chance to feel that their work is really important, their productivity will increase, and thus your bottom line will improve and your business will be able to grow as you want it to.

Data extraction applications can be used by companies in different industries, regardless of their size. Examples of industries that can take advantage of the benefits that come with their use are financial services-banking, trade, accounting, customs or healthcare. They come with multiple benefits for your business, among the most important being reduced costs and time spent on repetitive processes, a high degree of accuracy and increased employee productivity. If you want to automate a repetitive but important process in your business, try the ID Scanner app,which will help you extract data from ID cards securely and easily. You can try the DEMO version right now to see it for yourself.